Thursday, August 5, 2010

Knowing your bones

This is among the topics i learn under Anatomy, which is about muscles. We have 5 different shapes of muscles in our body.

We also have 3 kinds of muscles. First one is skeletal muscle. These are responsible for the movement of most of your action that you controlled. When you walked, eat,and talk you use these muscle.

Then we have smooth muscles that are located in your blood vessels, lining your eosophagus, lining uterus of women and many more. These muscles are controlled not by your means but by your body itselves or called involuntary action.

Lastly is cardiac muscle where it is located in the heart . It's also involuntary and it assist in pumping of blood to whole bodies though the artery canals.

Besides that i also learn about drugs and the body's reaction towards them.This is under the subject of Pharmacology. The amount of drugs needed , time taken for half of the drugs to be in the body and how to make them function as long as possible in the body were amon that we learn.

The body can receives drugs in many form and the best method is by intravenous i.e by injection right through your blood vessel.

By eating pills the drug availability may not be high, so it's less efficient.

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