Thursday, January 13, 2011

Unites for the same mission

Nowdays seldomly we see our brothers and sisters practising the Islamic way of live, the keeping of aurah, The handling of tounge , the respecting and love towards others , and the unity in doing goodness.

Most seems to take it for granted for not helping the needy and poor. They put the burden on others .They continue to live within the society that have the habit of ignorance towards other Muslims. Some even ask the need of boycotting Israeli"s goods as they assume it does not contribute much.
As we can observe these degrading of moral among them especially the youngsters are we just going to blame them and do nothing?.

There came a time when we felt encouraged to do something about it( this problem) especially after coming back from a 4 hour usrah or any majlis ilmu. Then we would be showing our best example in any act as a Muslim. We became more aware of what we hear about other Muslims around the world. We felt it to be our responsible to make some change.

But sometimes we can come across people of the same mission as us i.e to spread the deen of Allah , but not in any way ready to work along us. Some even talk bad of us when actually what we want is also what they want which is to make sure every one become a Mukmin and realize their purpose to be creared in this world.

This problem is more obvious especially in some univerties in Malaysia. There exist many small groups each strive to increase their member. But what actually is the main target is to obtain the pleasure of Allah and to let the world take Islam as their rules.Because only by implementing the creator's law would this world become a happy and more secure place to live in.

So lets strive our best and be among those that really treat others like how we tret ourselves so that no conflict arises among us and together we can achive that mission which is Allah's pleasure and a better life.

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