Thursday, September 22, 2011

Heard of bone marrow failure before??

Anyone any hint of what on earth does bone marrow means?

Well, it is actually the flexible or spongy tissue found in some of your bones such as the hip,ribs at your chest, long bones of lumbar ( leg ) and humerus ( shoulder ) and many more.

It contains immature cells called stem cells that would be the one producing your mature blood cells found in your blood. Normally only mature blood cells enter bloodstream.

So the bone marrow is really important because with it you are able to have circulating red blood cell transporting gases in your body, you would have neutrophil ( a white blood cell ) providing barrier against infection, also not to forget your platelet that prevent you from overbleeding during a cut.

So as now you realize the importance of the bone marrow, can you relate to the condition when this production of blood cell lines are distrupted as you would see in a bone marrow failure?

Could you imagine the outcome?

Well, it would be really bad!

You would no longer thrive as happily ,as energetic as before. Instead you would feel tired, weak, short of breath, your face starts to turn a bit pale due to lack of red blood cell circulating there.
( anemia ).

Beware of any infection such as from bacteria, fungus or virus as your defence mechanism is not that tough as before.

If we want to avoid this disease we must acknowledge it's causes.

First it is categorize into inherited and acquired. For inherited it's mostly due to fanconi anemia, as for the acquired it's mainly due to anaplastic anemia.

Also can be due to the chemotheraphy treatment for cancer patient as they act to kill actively dividing cancerous cells and unfortunately also involve the active cells in bone marrow.

InsyaAllah as a slaves to the Almighty Allah we are frequently reminded in the Quran to observe the perfection of the things created around us. How our bone marrow continously work for our entire life without stopping. Exception occur only when we are sick , but still Allah has sent to us the best and complex body system full of self repair mechanism.

Also the marvel of the created human body is to remind us of who we are actually. Even if we are the best scientist in this world, still all those new discovery( relating to the human body whether new diseases or mechanisms discovered ) are merely things that have already existed on this universe only to be 'founded' by us.

So as an observable and thinking Muslim we must always try to relate the brilliance of the creation that we frequently found during our learning session to it's Creator which is no doubt to be much, much more brilliant.

May Allah grant us with hidayah so that we can become successful person from now on.

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