Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to palpate lymph node?

Exactly like the title above, do anyone know ?

Palpate is feeling with a hand over something such as a swollen part, or any enlargement of any organ in your body.

Lymph node are small ball like, bean shaped structure scattered in about 500 to 600 throughout your body.

You can find them in the armpit, gut, arm , lungs ,feet, chest, abdomen and many more.

They are linked by lymphatic vessels which also carries lymph ( consisting of lymphocytes, macrophage and white blood cells).

The lymph would also carrying along with it the antigen presenting bacteria. Once the antigen reach the lymph nodes they are attacked by the lymphocytes there.

At the same time other antibodies and immune system would arrive at the lymph node causing it to be increased in size and swells.

Lymphadenopathy is a condition of disease associated with lymph nodes.

So we better be aware once our body starts to show a diffused or spread swelling.

So what should we do as a Mukmin. Beside aware of having lymphadenopathy we should also be aware of our protective mechanism towards our Iman.

Once the lymph node is attacked or in other words our iman is infiltrated with sinful eyes and minds and hearts , how are we able to survive.

Let us becomes Muslims who is always observing and thinking of the creation and the marvel of our Creator.

So it is quite obvious that when you even see any enlargement at lymph node areas without palpating you could diagnose it as disease of the lymph node.

Easy , is it not.Insyaallah we will continue for the next post.


  1. Your post is too technical and I don't see the analogy between the lymph node and iman. Maybe a simpler analogy in the next topic of your lessons.

  2. Thanks for the sincere comment. i really need it as i'm improving myself. Maybe less technical should be better.
